
Image of Chinatown, Bangkok. There are a few cars on the road and many signs from various shops. Most signs are in Chinese and they are yellow with the text in a bold red

Asia is the largest continent on Earth, encompassing a wide range of climates from the freezing temperatures of Siberia to the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia. Home to nearly 60% of the world's population, it's a place of diverse cultures and ethnicities, with over 2,300 different languages spoken. Major religions such as Buddhism, Christianism, Hinduism, and Islam have their roots here. While there are similarities across the continent, it's the differences between countries that make Asia a truly captivating and endlessly rewarding place to explore.

A monkey runs from left to right at the top of the ceiling of a bungalow. in Koh Lanta, Thailand,


Thailand, with a history dating back over a thousand years, is a complex blend of cultures. Often called the "Land of Smiles," it's a place where tradition and modernity meet. This fusion is seen in various art forms, from dance to cinema, as well as in the cuisine, known for its balance of sweet, salty, sour, and spicy flavours. The country's biodiversity is also noteworthy, encompassing ecosystems that range from mountains to tropical beaches, and extending to tropical rainforests, home to unique wildlife. Whether exploring Bangkok, diving in Koh Tao, or visiting cities like Chiang Mai, Pai, and Chiang Rai, Thailand provides options for different travellers, from backpackers and digital nomads.

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A man at the end of his longtail boat, pushing with a paddle to get out into the Mekong river. The picture had been taken in Lunag Prabang, Laos


Laos, a predominantly Buddhist country, is home to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Luang Prabang, which impressed us with its deeply ingrained cultural traditions. Here we explored lush jungles, took in the sights of striking waterfalls, and witnessed the steadfast presence of the Mekong River. But Laos is more than its scenery; it's a place of culture and heritage, with a troubled, and widely unrecognised, recent history.

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Picture of Train Street, Hanoi (Vietnam). There is a slight drizzle in the air. On the left a man is drinking some coffee, or tea; a little bit further up, another person is trying to cover their scooter from the incoming rain. There is a lot of green plants all around


Vietnam presents a diverse landscape filled with contrasts. In the northern regions, rolling mountains are home to intricate patterns of rice paddies, while the southern shores boast serene golden beaches. Each area offers its own unique experience, both captivating and distinct. The country's culinary landscape is equally varied, with renowned dishes such as Phở soup and Bánh Mì sandwiches, and even the lesser-known but delightful egg coffee. Whether it's the exploration of ancient imperial cities, kayaking in the striking limestone formations of Ha Long Bay, or learning about the customs of mountain tribes, Vietnam provides a rich and multi-faceted journey that engages all the senses.

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A view of Angkor Wat at sunrise


Cambodia offers more than initially meets the eye. While mostly renowned for Angkor Wat, the world's largest religious monument and a testament to the nation's illustrious Khmer heritage, the country's charm extends far beyond its temples. Throughout our travels from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, and Battambang we met some of the most welcoming and friendly people of Southeast Asia, and we learnt about the country's terrifying recent history and the legacy it has left behind.

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Scene of ordinary life in a gold shop in Malaysia. The shop features two opposite counter, each with a lot of gold items on display. below the counter on the right there a few little, round chairs, coloured in light blue. Inside the shops there a few people. On the right there are two shop assistants talking with each other, while on the left there is a client with a gold necklace on his hand, talking with another shop assitant.


Malaysia is a country where the confluence of cultures offers a captivating study in diversity. Its population comprises indigenous peoples, as well as Chinese, Indian, and Malay communities, all coexisting and contributing to the nation's identity. What makes this mingling of cultures even more exciting is how it comes to life in Malaysian cuisine. Whether you're savouring a bowl of spicy Laksa in a Penang hawker center or relishing the rich flavours of a Nasi Kandar in Kuala Lumpur, the food here is an edible journal of the nation's history. Malaysia is home to some of the world's oldest tropical rainforests, even older than the Amazon. These ancient landscapes not only offer adventure but also reflect the country's abundant biodiversity, serving as another layer to Malaysia's multifaceted character.

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