us taking a selfie in the jungle

About us

We are Beatrice and Davide, a graphic designer and a software engineer traveling the world, starting from Southeast Asia.

This is us the jungle near Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Whilst working, journaling and taking photographs, we soon realised it was getting difficult to share all these things with family and friends, so, as a software engineer and a designer we thought we could easily set up a platform to share all this on. Ha! We didn't realise what we were in for.

While living in London for 6 years we have met people from all over the place who, as well as making our stay there really special, have made us want to explore as much as possible. Funnily enough, the stories you hear are always the ones where things have gone badly wrong which are the ones people remember forever. We will never forget our time in Luang Prabang during the burning season, but although it wasn't what we had hoped for, we will always appreciate it as it showed us something we couldn't have imagined.

We are interested in learning from cultures which are new to us, try new foods and discovering new cooking techniques and utensils, discovering parts of history which we were never taught at school, seeing how different religions influence entire communities and meeting people who live here and others who are just travelling like us.

We can't spend all our time socialising though, as we are working too. Actually, it's only fair, as it's what is allowing us to travel non-stop. We are flexible and don't have a travel itinerary, but one of the cons/pros about having to work whilst travelling is that fast Wifi is about the only thing you need (as well as electricity of course) and sometimes this forces us to have to stay in bigger towns or cities for longer and miss out on the smaller and more remote ones, unless it's just a weekend trip.

We are trying to go on fewer flights as possible and travel mainly by train, bus and boat. We think that if we are able to stay in places for longer we can also spend more time getting there. You get a good view of the scenery around you too!

Thank you for visiting our blog, where we share our stories, with a particular focus on the places we visit. We want to give you an authentic glimpse of what these places are really like and to bring you along on our journey. Through our writing, we aim to provide you with informative and engaging content that will give you insights into the different cultures, histories, and landscapes we encounter.

Fields of tea plantations disposed over a hill